
Afonso A.

Fullstack Software Developer

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Ranking: 458920 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 02/12/2018

Sobre mim:

I consider myself a creative person, who can handle all kinds of situations in a collaborative environment, with good professional skills, looking for a remote or mobile job at Laravel, with real chances of professional and personal growth.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

My background carrer is based on the three-layers software development for desktop, using mainly Pascal language on Delphi applications, at a mid-range ERP software company for over ten years (and also some C # apps), basically with SQLServer and Oracle SGBD's, working with SVN Repo, where I got a lot of my IT knowledge on structured OOP projects, working on teams, passing through many situations that contributed to my professional growth.

Nowadays (in the last two years), I spend my free time studying and moving my stack to agile open source web application technologies and modern mobile design approaches that I want to work on, such as:
-PHP with Laravel framework, Asp/.Net Core EF MVC and Node.js with Express, for the backend;
-React/React-Native and Vue.js for frontend;
-and MySQL and PostgreSQL for the SGBD.

I'm also a enthusiast and study other trend technologies and paradigms that I really enjoy, as for example: Git, Docker, Firebase, AWS, Flutter, GraphQL, MongoDB, Python, IoC, Machine Learning, Data Science and so on.


  • PHP
  • Banco De Dados
  • MySQL
  • PL/SQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL
  • Delphi
  • NodeJS
  • PostgreSQL

Áreas de interesse:

  • Desenvolvimento Mobile
  • Desenvolvimento Web
  • Desenvolvimento Desktop



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