
Lucas B.

Data Scientist

(0.0 - 0 avaliações)

Ranking: 2005441 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 11/12/2023

Sobre mim:

Engineering Physics with 5+ years of experience in data science. Physics, mathematics, and programming enthusiast. Due to my curious nature, I am always willing to learn new things.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

1. Data Security:
- Backend management of products related to data leaks.
- Project development using Large Language Models (LLM).
- Analysis of big data leaks.
- Development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models for sensitive data detection and other entities.
- Development of data collectors (web scraping).

2. Data Analysis and Modeling:
- Establishment and development of the data analysis area in a credit company.
- Creation of models to predict credit payment delays.
- Development of data visualizations for a credit company.

3. Research and Instrumental Development:
- Conducting research activities to enhance experimental data acquisition instruments for the Rutherford Backscatter Spectrometry (RBS) technique using LabView, Python, and Arduino.
- Development of an Android application for the daily use of the RBS technique using Java.
- Material analysis and instrument development for the Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) material analysis technique.


  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Análise de Dados
  • Análise Estatística
  • Big Data
  • Ciência de Dados
  • Inteligência Artificial
  • Python
  • Web Scraping

Áreas de interesse:

  • Banco de Dados
  • Outra - Web, Mobile & Software
  • Análise de Dados & Estatística



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